
PSBH has gained an extensive experience in the administrative field since its establishment, this area of practice being one of the main areas of expertise of its partners. The PSBH team successfully provides legal assistance and representation to its clients, in conflictual relationships between public authorities and legal persons under private law, as well as in relations to the natural persons against whom such situations may arise.

The legal activities provided by PSBH refer to both the preliminary procedures and the actions in administrative litigation, our lawyers having the necessary expertise regarding:

  • Consultancy, assistance and legal representation in order to obtain administrative documents;
  • Contesting, in the preliminary procedures, the administrative acts issued by the public authorities (City Halls, Tax and duties Directorates, Public Finance Administrations, Court of Accounts, etc.);
  • Formulation of actions and legal representation in order to cancel administrative acts or in case of refusal of public authorities to respond to requests within the legal deadline;
  • Challenging the sanctions imposed by the Romanian administrative authorities in various fields, such as: the field of constructions, the financial accounting field, the excises and the customs regime, etc.;
  • Legal assistance and representation in the various controls carried out by public authorities.

Reference cases

  • PSBH has successfully represented a company operating in the IT field, within the steps of appealing a tax decision issued by the Cluj County Administration of Public Finance in the amount of approximately 1.000.000 Euros, representing contributions related to salaries, taxes related to salaries , VAT, dividend taxes, profit tax. Following the prior complaint filed, the entire taxation decision was revoked within the administrative settlement procedures.
  • PSBH has successfully represented a company operating in the IT field, within the steps of suspending a taxation decision issued by the County Administration of Public Finances Cluj, amounting to approximately 1,000,000 Euros, representing contributions related to salaries, related taxes salaries, VAT, taxes related to dividends, profit tax decision that put the company in a state of insolvency. Following the request for suspension of the fiscal administrative act, the court ordered both in the substantive phase and in the appeal, the suspension of the execution of the taxation decision.
  • PSBH successfully represented a company operating in the IT field, within the steps of suspending a taxation decision issued by the Cluj County Administration of Public Finance in the amount of approximately 5.500.000 lei, representing contributions related to salaries, taxes related to salaries , VAT, taxes related to dividends, profit tax, the court ordering the suspension of the execution of the fiscal administrative act, respectively of the taxation decision.
  • PSBH successfully represented a company operating in the field of telecommunications, within the steps of suspending a tax decision issued by the County Administration of Public Finance Dolj, amounting to approximately 1.300.000 lei, representing profit tax and VAT, the court ordering the suspension of the execution of the fiscal administrative act, respectively of the taxation decision.
  • PSBH successfully represented a company operating in the field of telecommunications in an action having as object the annulment of a decision establishing insurance measures issued by the Administration of Sector 3 of Public Finances, amounting to approximately 350.000 lei.
  • PSBH successfully represented a company operating in the field of telecommunications in an action having as object the annulment of a decision to institute precautionary measures issued by the Târgu – Jiu Regional Fiscal Antifraud Directorate, amounting to approximately 900.000 lei. As a result of the steps taken, the court ordered the complete annulment of the decision to institute precautionary measures.
  • PSBH successfully represented a client, real estate developer, in an action having as object the annulment of the taxation decision, amounting to approximately 350.000 lei, representing a regularization of the CC tax, the court ordering the annulment in full of the taxation decision.
  • PSBH successfully represented a company operating in the field of construction, in the process of appealing a decision to reject the VAT refund application, issued by the Mehedinți County Public Finance Administration, amounting to approximately 150.000 lei. As a result of the previous complaint submitted, the entire decision was annulled, being ordered to reimburse the entire amount requested as VAT.
  • PSBH successfully represented a company operating in the field of security and protection, within the steps of attacking a report on the sanctioning of contraventions issued by the Territorial Labour Inspectorate, through which a contravention fine in the amount of 200,000 lei was applied. . As a result of the steps taken, the court ordered the complete annulment of the contravention report.
  • The PSBH team successfully represented the interests of a company whose main activity consists in providing landscaping services, invoking in an enforcement appeal against a public institution, the lack of communication of the debt title, for which the institution proceeded ex officio , upon the annulment of the administrative act issued without being based on a legal executory title. Thus, the client was exempted from paying some illegally established fiscal obligations, in the amount of approximately 50.000 Lei.